
分享 & 书签,按Enter键显示所有选项,按Tab键进入下一个选项
的链接策略 博彩平台大全政府网站. The mission of the 博彩平台大全政府网站 is to provide a single point of access to 达勒姆郡 information and services that is:
  • 开放;
  • 方便;
  • 有效;
  • Customer service-oriented; and
  • 可访问的.
To provide a public portal that allows citizens and businesses to quickly locate and access electronic 政府ernment services and information, 达勒姆郡 will use the guidelines outlined below to link to information and services offered by local, 状态, 以及联邦政府或商业实体.


预先许可链接到 http://www.dconc.gov/ 没有必要. 但是,请注意,博彩平台大全子页面(i.e. 县部门和机构的网页)可能随时更改,恕不另行通知. Entities and individuals linking to 达勒姆郡 must continuously verify links to our subpages.

Entities and individuals linking to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 shall not capture 博彩平台大全政府网站 pages within frames, 目前博彩平台大全政府网站的内容作为自己的, or otherwise misrepresent 达勒姆郡 Government's website content or misinform users about the origin or ownership of 达勒姆郡 Government's website content. Any link to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 should be a full forward link that passes the client browser to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 unencumbered. The Back button should return the visitor to its site if the visitor wishes to back out.


This section outlines the criteria and requirements that external web sites must meet to have a link from the 博彩平台大全政府网站. It also details how links are accepted and removed from the 博彩平台大全政府网站.


The fundamental purpose of the 博彩平台大全政府网站 is to inform citizens and users regarding 政府ernment services and to perform 政府ernment functions. 博彩平台大全政府网站不是公众交流和辩论的论坛. The following criteria have been established to preserve the non-public forum nature of the 博彩平台大全政府网站. 博彩平台大全接受当地居民提出的链接请求, 状态, and federal 政府ernment and commercial entities that provide information and services that benefit 达勒姆郡 citizens and businesses. 由其自行决定, 达勒姆郡 may link to non-政府ernmental websites that contain information and/or services that further the purpose of the 博彩平台大全政府网站. Every link request must undergo review to determine its relevance and appropriateness to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 mission of providing access to 达勒姆郡 electronic 政府ernment services. Links are approved for the 博彩平台大全政府网站 based on the following criteria:
  1. The external website corresponds with the 博彩平台大全政府网站 design and mission of single point of access to 政府ernment information and services that is open, 方便, 非常高效。, 面向客户,可访问.
  2. The site's content is appropriate with respect to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 mission and is not a:
    • Commercial site which charges a fee for products or services on-line; (Notices of the availability of publications by 政府ernment entities that charge for the publications or notices of 政府ernment sponsored conferences that charge a registration fee are not commercial sites and may be considered for linking.);
    • 展示仇恨的网站, 偏见, 歧视, pornography; libelous or otherwise defamatory content;
    • Site belonging to or supporting a political affiliation; or
    • Site which furthers the agenda of a political organization or candidate running for office.
达勒姆郡并不保证其有效性, 完整性, or currency of any information on the websites to which the 博彩平台大全政府网站 links. It is the linked website's responsibility to maintain their website and to ensure the validity and currency of the information presented. 达勒姆郡 is not responsible for the information or ideas expressed on linked sites.



To give superior customer service to citizens and businesses accessing 政府ernmental information and services through the 博彩平台大全政府网站, we require that external websites requesting a link on the 博彩平台大全政府网站 meet the following requirements:
  1. The linked site must provide the user with an e-mail address and/or a customer service telephone number on every page of the site, 以便用户在遇到格式问题时与网站联系, 精度, 及时性, 或者支付处理.
  2. 当用户点击外部网站链接时, 他/她必须能够轻松访问博彩平台大全政府网站. 有两种选择可以做到这一点:
    • A link to the 博彩平台大全政府网站 can be established on the external website's main page; or
    • “返回”按钮将用户返回到博彩平台大全政府网站.
  3. Linked sites must have a privacy policy accessible from their home page informing the user of what information is collected, 如何收集, 如何使用, 以及用户如何查看和更正信息.
达勒姆郡 reserves the right to link to external websites that it feels would provide a service to the citizen.


Links from the 博彩平台大全政府网站 will be reviewed regularly and may be removed for any reasons including:
  • The link no longer points to the original information or resource to which it was intended to point;
  • 链接所指向的信息是不准确的, misleading or otherwise violates the criteria and requirements set forth above in the sections entitled "标准" and "需求;"
  • 由于格式不规范,获取信息变得很困难, 下载时间长, 或侵入性广告;
  • 该链接永久不可访问或长时间不可访问, 特别是如果我们无法联系网站管理员了解网站的状态;
  • 外部网站未遵守书面链接协议(如有);
  • Customers of the externally linked site excessively burden the 达勒姆郡 customer support system.

For questions and concerns regarding the linking policy, or to request a link, send e-mail to webmaster@dconc.政府.